360 Degree Panoramic Robotic Camera
The SVII Camera is a small underwater vehicle that takes 360 degreepanoramic pictures. It's propelled by a small engine that is guided by a diver. The engine allows it to travel at 4 kilometers per hour as it takespictures every few seconds. It was built specifically for the Caitlin SeaviewSurvey.
The Caitlin Seaview Survey is a scientific expedition created to photographically map the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. The project has been called Google's Street View underwater. The main goal is to study and document the ecosystem. Its residual effect will be to give regular people an amazing view of an underwater world the likes of which we could have only imagined in the past.
Check out the video below for details about the project and we encourage you to visit their website where you can view an amazing 360 view of an underwater world here.

Source: Allcoolshit.com
SYDNEY, Australia - Sepasukan saintis Australia menggunakan sebuah kamera khas untuk merakamkan gambar-gambar di kawasan dasar Terumbu Karang Besar di timur laut negara ini.
Gambar-gambar itu akan disiarkan di enjin carian Internet, Google.
Misi menggunakan beberapa kamera khas empat lensa dan robot itu dilakukan di kawasan yang belum pernah diterokai di terumbu berkenaan.
Ia melibatkan kumpulan penyelidik Universiti Queensland.
Misi itu yang dikenali sebagai Kajian Pemandangan Laut akan merakamkan 50,000 gambar. - AFP